Buckinghamshire Council seeks to change its position on Country Park THIS TUESDAY

In an unprecedented move, on Tuesday 11th October at 10 am, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet will be hearing and voting on a report regarding the Little Marlow Lakes Country Park. You can read the report online.

The main recommendation of the report is to not consider “Country Park” status for the whole area (contravening its own Local Plan), but only for the land in the Council’s ownership. This makes it easier for developments such as the film studio and the football fields/sports centre in the remainder of the area. These speculative developments are even quoted in the report and seemingly have provided “evidence” to support the council making this recommendation.

The report is full of inaccuracies and we strongly disagree with the suggestions. The reason we are in this position with the Country Park is wholly due to inaction by Buckinghamshire Council itself, so claiming this situation “just happened” is misleading their constituents.

Our local Councillors have requested the report be withdrawn to be rewritten prior to Cabinet consideration, however, this has been refused. We believe any decision based on the conclusions of this report would be improper and feel a Select Committee investigation is required.

We urge everyone to write, as soon as possible, to:

You can watch the Cabinet Meeting via webcast.

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