More flooding & sewage on your doorstep?

At the 10th November meeting of the Little Marlow Sewage Treatment Works Liaison Committee, the issue of the film studio planning application was brought up. While the minutes have yet to be published, the report from the Bucks Free Press was not pretty:

Andrew Scott, Thames Water’s Head of Waste Treatment for Thames Valley Region said he was not sure what the “absolute maximum” that the sewage works could take was, adding that someone at the water company “will be looking at that”.

He continued: “What I do know – from my operations perspective – is that unfortunately we tend to be playing catchup rather than getting ourselves ahead of the game.”

Not a particularly encouraging response for the Borlase rowers who will be out on the water nearby!

The recent rain also emphasised that this area is most useful as a flood plain rather than for warehouses. This video from 9th December shows the state of the A4155:

If you like your Thames clean and your houses not flooded, continue to object to the film studio application.