Yes, time to object *again*

As you might be aware, Dido Property Ltd have submitted new documents (101 in total), press releases and a glossy brochure to amend their planning application.

Save Marlow’s Greenbelt has reviewed the documents and, unsurprisingly, our view on the proposals remain unchanged. However, the amendments represent a major revision to their original planning application and therefore require a new round of public consultation. Consequently, when the strategic sites committee reconvenes, we believe it should reconsider the entire application, not just those aspects that caused the deferment back in October, and it should allow public speaking.

The UK film production industry is in structural decline as evidenced by the 43% reduction in inward investment last year. In light of this, and the new material submitted by the applicant, we urge the Planning Officer to commission a new economic report that assesses the requirement for a new studio in Marlow and provides an independent analysis of its claimed economic benefits. We have laid this out in more detail in our latest objection to the plans.

Now, it is your turn: please object again.