Film Studio Public Inquiry: week 1 round-up

We are now one week into the public inquiry of Marlow Film Studios. Inspector Katie McDonald has listened to witness statements on design, landscape and amenity. Cllr Anna Crabtree, representing Little Marlow Parish Council on residential amenity, was heavily cross-examined by the appellant. She maintained a compelling, strong case that the quality of life as a resident here would be destroyed forever if the film studio was built.

The Inspector also listened to over 80 interested party statements for and against the proposal. The objection statements were overwhelming and invaluable, and we thank you for your continued involvement and support!

A visit with the Inspector to the 90 acre site and overlooking areas has now been made. We expect she will be fully aware of the beauty of this area, and all it means for residents that live in Little Marlow, Marlow, and surrounding areas.

Week two will see more witness statements by the appellant on landscape, in addition to witness statements from Bucks Council on a need for a film studio. Sam Kershaw, representing SMG, will also be cross-examined by the appellant on the economic viability of having a film studio here in Marlow on Thursday 30th January from 2pm. Please do attend to support him and SMG if you are able. (He may also need a drink afterwards!)

The inquiry will be held for 17 days in total, although this can be extended should more time be required. Both Sam and Anna will continue to work with our legal teams until the end of the inquiry.

For more information, you can look at the Inspector’s Programme for the inquiry. All members of the public are welcome to attend Buckinghamshire Council’s Office, 2nd Floor, Albert House, Queen Victoria Rd, HP11 1BB. If you are unable to attend in person, the inquiry is being live-streamed here

Please stay tuned in for the next update. Thank you for your continued support, your donations and involvement in ensuring the film studio planning application does not succeed.

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