Save Marlow’s Greenbelt on MarlowFM this Friday

MarlowFM’s Malcolm Parr will be dedicating a show on Friday at 10 am to the Marlow Film Studio plans, as the planning application has been submitted.

The first half of the show will be dedicated to discussion with the developers, represented by Steve McAdam, the director of the “public consultation agency” Soundings, hired by Dido Property Limited (Guernsey). The second half will feature people from Save Marlow’s Greenbelt to discuss the impact of the proposed project and our main objections.

Listen live on FM 97.5 or this Friday from 10 am. Do show your support on social media (Facebook, Twitter) and tag @MarlowFM.

UPDATE: listen again on the MarlowFM website (Good Morning Marlow > Friday 27th May 10 AM show) or download the MP3.