Still have questions for Dido Property Ltd (Guernsey)?

With the planning application now live, after over a year of publicity aimed at gaining support for the Marlow Film Studio project, you may well have some questions for the developers, Dido Property Ltd (Guernsey).

They have planned some drop-in sessions where you can do just that. Ask pertinent questions, scrutinise the plans and listen to their claims from their hired representatives.

We encourage you do this whilst bearing in mind, that they have an agenda that they want to carefully control. They stand to make a huge financial gain if their controversial project is approved.

For a balanced view from local volunteers, who have lived in the Marlow area for many years, understand our town, our community, the local infrastructure challenges and the benefit this protected site provides for people and wildlife, ask questions from the Save Marlow’s Greenbelt team. We have no hidden agenda and nothing to gain. We are just protecting our Greenbelt and Country Park, in line with local and national planning policy, for our community now and for the future.

Donate now to help us deliver our message & hire experts to fight the planning application threats.