It’s still a “no” – time to object again

Dido Property Limited have submitted amended plans and Buckinghamshire Council is inviting new comments. Obviously, all of this amounts to window-dressing without addressing the fundamental issue of an unnecessary monstrosity in Marlow’s Greenbelt.

Please object and submit your comments even if you have done this before! Buckinghamshire Council have put a deadline of 9th April and it is again unclear whether this is a “soft” or “hard” deadline.

You can add your own reasons why, but our top reasons, underpinned by our planning consultant’s report (to be released soon), are:

  1. The integrity of the Greenbelt should be protected. Even at a national level, the Government has committed to protecting and enhancing the Greenbelt.
  2. The “sequential test” is flawed and just a self-serving exercise to try and claim that Dido Property Limited’s land is “most preferable”.
  3. The economic analysis performed by LSH on behalf of the Council clearly states that there is sufficient studio capacity in the pipeline, the proposed scale is unnecessary and the requirement of the “West London Cluster” is overstated.
  4. The proposed changes, e.g. to transport, do not change the underlying flawed logic to destroy the Greenbelt and the Little Marlow Lakes Country Park.

If you want it easy, you can use this one-click link to generate an email in your standard email app, ready to send & object.

While you are at it – don’t forget to ask friends & family from across the UK to object as well. Distance appears to be no issue to support, so why should it be to object?

5 thoughts on “It’s still a “no” – time to object again”

  1. The planet NEEDS wildlife! It does NOT need more artificial stuff like film studios. There are more than enough in this area, without killing off our means of survival!

  2. Green belt is green belt. Leave it alone for the millions of other species we share the planet with, and need, for a robust ecosystem.
    Using Brown sites protects the green belt. Keep chipping away and there won’t be a planet

  3. We need the wild life to survive for us and our children to enjoy, not more concrete and steel/ tin blighting our beautiful Country Park. This needs to be built on Brown field sites away from the beauty of this amazing wildlife centre which is enjoyed by so many.

  4. The new plans which were to alleviate the traffic problems are ludicrous- they would do such thing but would run the grass verge, which is not owned by Dido Property.
    We must save our Greenbelt for now and future generations

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